
Conferencias, Laboratorios y Paneles del Oracle Groundbreakers Tour 2019



Well done! You’ve come up with the killer idea for 2019! You’ve got the best UI design anyone has ever seen! Your modern application ticks all the boxes – serverless, functional, kubernetes, kafka, microservices, API-based, the list goes on. And it runs on every OS and every type of device! But unfortunately … all of this counts for absolutely NOTHING if your data access is slow. And speeding up data access typically means understanding how SQL is executed. And who has time for that? SQL can be hard to understand, and is sometimes totally hidden from view under an ORM. This session will peel back the covers to show developers the important fundamentals of SQL processing and how incredibly fast it can be when done right. One million rows per second on a laptop? Yes indeed.

Horario: 14:15 - 15:00

Conferencista: Connor McDonald

Idioma: Inglés

Sala: Irazú

Capacidad: 25

Registro previo: No