
Conferencias, Laboratorios y Paneles del Oracle Groundbreakers Tour 2019


Rogue One: Avoid the Rebels take your data using DBSAT and other Security Best Practices

Learn about basics of Oracle Security, i.e.: password verify functions, grant as less privs as possible, avoid known ports for listener, etc.
Also learn how to install, run and use DBSAT (including latest version 2.1.0 and also including this year how to run it on RDS, RAC and over Oracle Autonomous DB) , which is actually a great tool I have been using since 1 year ago for security audits and make references to the GDPR and how DBSAT can help you to achieve compliance and in special how it can found personal and sensitive data on your Oracle database using its Discoverer functionality, all above is done with great references to StarWars movie Rouge one, audience will really enjoy the 45 minutes they will listen to this great conference.

Horario: 9:00 - 9:45

Conferencista: Roy Salazar

Idioma: Español

Sala: Barva

Capacidad: 24

Registro previo: No