Todo sobre mi

Internal Principal Consultant at Pythian.

Logo Oracle ACE DirectorACE Director


Nelson Calero es Ingeniero en Computación y Oracle ACE Director basado en Montevideo, Uruguay.
Ha estado envuelto con tecnologías Oracle desde 1996, especializándose en arquitectura, administración y desempeño para ambientes VLDBs y HA environments. Después de unos pocos años proporcionando consultoría tanto en el sector público como en el privado a través de Latinoamerica, se unió a Pythian en el año 2014, laborando en la actualidad como Consultor Líder en Base de Datos Oracle.
Adicionalmente a ser Fundadory Presidente del Uruguayan Oracle User Group (UYOUG), Nelson colabora en el desarrollo de la comunidad de usuarios de latinoamerica (LAOUC) desde la junta directiva. Frecuentemente dicta conferencias en eventos de la industria y es Instructor en Oracle University.




Idioma español

Conferencias en Groundbreakers Tour 2019


Using SSL in the Oracle Database without surprises

Nowadays databases require to use secure connections to communicate with clients, from application users through listener services, internal features (Apex, OEM), to consuming external services from the database (eg.: sending emails from PL/SQL).
Also security standards keep improving, forcing to use newer algorithms (as SHA2 in TLS 1.2) which requires extra configuration in older database releases.
This session introduces to the topic from a DBA perspective, showing how SSL certificates work, available tools and examples of configuring and troubleshooting their usage from the Oracle database.
We will review traditional and Cloud deployments, exploring also the implementation of TLS 1.2 (SHA2 algorithm) and common errors found from real life usage.

Oracle Exadata Cloud Services guide from Practical Experience

This session walks through all what you need to know to move your databases to the Oracle Cloud based on our own experience doing it, focused on Oracle Exadata Cloud Services.

We will review the configuration required, common problems we had to resolve in the process of having several TB databases running in the Oracle Cloud, and operational tasks after they are running there.