Todo sobre mi

Business Inteligence, Data Visualization and Data Integration Specialist | Oracle ACE Director | Speaker.

Logo Oracle ACE DirectorACE Director


Edelweiss Kammermann es Oracle ACE Director, experta en Analytics y Data Integration con más de 20 años de experiencia en consultoría y gerenciamiento de proyectos en tecnología Oracle. Ha trabajado y dirigido proyectos en distintos países de Latino América, especialmente en Uruguay, Bolivia, Panama y Honduras. Edelweiss es oradora frecuente en conferencias internaciones y escribe regularmente artículos para OTN y OTN Latinoamérica. Es co-fundadora y vice presidente del Grupo de Usuarios de Oracle Uruguay (UYOOUG) y Vice Presidenta de LAOUC.




Idioma español

Conferencias en Groundbreakers Tour 2019


ADWC for Developers and Data Scientists

ADWC is the easiest option to have a DW or Data Lake in the Cloud in just a few minutes without having to worry about performance tuning or DB administration tasks. Provides CPU & Storage online scaling and high availability on each component.

In this session we will see how easily we can create an Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud instance and start developing immediately and using machine learning features for cleaning and analyzing data, discover patterns and perform predictive analytics.

ADWC, DIPC & OAC: The Dream team for End to End analytics

Nowadays having the right response to your questions immediately and have access to the right data is crucial as well as having predicted and proactive analytics to take the right decisions. But how we can get the right data from the bunch of sources that we are working with including Big Data sources? And how we can achieve a great performance without spending lots of hours and days trying to tune each query?

Oracle brings the solution to these problems with the integration of Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud, Data Integration Platform Cloud and Oracle Analytics Cloud services.

This session will show the main features of these Cloud services to solve these issues and how we can create all the cloud services instances and integrated them. This includes a live demo that load and transform data using DIPC to ADWC and analyze and discovery patterns in the data using OAC.

Autonomous DB/DW Hands on Labs

Este laboratorio le permitira a los asistentes experimentar el uso de Autonomous Database y Data Warehouse de Oracle