Todo sobre mi

Developer Advocate at Oracle.

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Connor McDonald es un Oracle Developer Advocate para Oracle Corporation. Durante los últimos 25 años, ha trabajado con sistemas en Australia, el Reino Unido, el sureste de Asia, Europa Oriental, y los Estados Unidos de América. Es co-autor de tres libros y ha sido un popular conferencista en conferencias Oracle alrededor del mundo, especialista en temas concernientes al motor de base de datos y PL/SQL. Connor ganó el premio Oracle Code Speaker en 2018, además ha ganado tres veces el premio como mejor conferencista por parte del UK Oracle User Group, y fue premiado con el premio Lifetime Achievement por UKOUG en 2016.




Idioma ingles

Conferencias en Groundbreakers Tour 2019



Sick and tired of writing thousands of lines of middle-tier code and still having performance problems? Let’s become fans once again of the database, by showing you just how powerful the SQL language really is! Coding is great fun, but we do it to explore complex algorithms, build beautiful applications, and deliver fantastic solutions for our customers, not just to do boring data processing. By expanding our knowledge of SQL facilities, we can let all the boring work be handled via SQL rather than a lot of middle-tier code, and get performance benefits as an added bonus. This session highlights some SQL techniques to solve problems that would otherwise require a lot of complex coding.


Analytical SQL functions in 8i transformed the SQL landscape in terms of the power it yielded to database developers. Nothing has come to close to the functional impact until now. The incredible pattern matching facilities in Oracle 12c make it easy to perform data analysis that was in the past simply impossible.


Well done! You’ve come up with the killer idea for 2019! You’ve got the best UI design anyone has ever seen! Your modern application ticks all the boxes – serverless, functional, kubernetes, kafka, microservices, API-based, the list goes on. And it runs on every OS and every type of device! But unfortunately … all of this counts for absolutely NOTHING if your data access is slow. And speeding up data access typically means understanding how SQL is executed. And who has time for that? SQL can be hard to understand, and is sometimes totally hidden from view under an ORM. This session will peel back the covers to show developers the important fundamentals of SQL processing and how incredibly fast it can be when done right. One million rows per second on a laptop? Yes indeed.