
Conferencias, Laboratorios y Paneles del Oracle Groundbreakers Tour 2019


ADWC, DIPC & OAC: The Dream team for End to End analytics

Nowadays having the right response to your questions immediately and have access to the right data is crucial as well as having predicted and proactive analytics to take the right decisions. But how we can get the right data from the bunch of sources that we are working with including Big Data sources? And how we can achieve a great performance without spending lots of hours and days trying to tune each query?

Oracle brings the solution to these problems with the integration of Autonomous Data Warehouse Cloud, Data Integration Platform Cloud and Oracle Analytics Cloud services.

This session will show the main features of these Cloud services to solve these issues and how we can create all the cloud services instances and integrated them. This includes a live demo that load and transform data using DIPC to ADWC and analyze and discovery patterns in the data using OAC.

Horario: 13:30 - 14:15

Conferencista: Edelweiss Kammermann

Idioma: Español

Sala: Arenal

Capacidad: 20

Registro previo: No